Trivia Night at The Spotty Dog – The Turkeys Don’t Win

In a warm up for Thanksgiving we went off to Trivia Night at The Spotty Dog. Between Karen’s teaching and other intrusions we have not made it to very many Trivia Nights this Fall. We gathered up Judy Garvey and sallied forth. Once at the The Spotty we found lots of people milling around as usual. We teamed up with Enid Advocate for our fourth.

We named our team The Turkeys. This proved prescient. Despite much heckling on our part, Karen’s dispatch of a glass of wine to the floor, and much more laughter than justified by our performance, we squeaked out a place somewhat above last. But, as the saying goes, much fun was had all around.
Trivia Night at The Spotty Dog

Trivia Night at The Spotty Dog - Enid doing the work

Trivia Night at The Spotty Dog - Enid doing the work while we goofed.