Tag Archives: NYC

Tuesday – 11/8/2016 – Election Day

Meeting with Chad Weckler at CEDC and Michael Tucker about commercial kitchens and Hudson-Creative. Arrived at the end of the meeting due to my calendar entry screw up. Tucker is loud and mostly about his own opinions. 

Had coffee afterward with Chad. He told me of space offered to us at 3rd and State. 

Drove to NYC. Arrived about 2pm. At MET Breuer – old Whitney. Diane Arbus and Kerry James Marshall. image


image Took selfies in our regular bench in the stairwell. Horse or fire station entries on E. 82nd St. 

Drove over to PioPio restaurant for Nyla’s 14th birthday party. Andrea, Noah, & John too. Very cheery time. 11082016-nyla-bday-1

Back to Hudson in time to watch some of the election returns at Spotty Dog. Went home at about 10. I went to sleep about 11. Woke up at 3am to discover a headline from NYTimes announcing Trump’s victory. Despite my lack of enthusiasm for Hilary C I am distressed.