
This site is an ongoing project by Mr. Wonderful. You will find posts, projects, timeline items and other material that are placeholders or incomplete. These will be clearly marked as such. If you find errors, omissions, or have other suggestions pass them along.

Thanks for visiting.


Dropped Projects and Family Timeline


Converted all “Projects” into posts. Will have to create better navigation through the categories.

Dropped the Family Timeline pages entirely. They are now all on the OldDodgeVan.com site.

“I might wake up dead tomorrow.”


Karen reported this comment to me from our long time, longer even for Karen, friend Nancy Vermond. Seems like a neat capsule for the state of affairs at this point in time and this time of life,

So I have dropped the donuts motif and substituted this as the tag line.

1/8/2021 – update on the website project

Have shifted back to the DayOne app for daily posts. This hopefully will simplify this process and make it more likely that I will enter contemporaneous reports instead of coming back a week or month later to reconstruct events and thoughts.Also spending time scraping back over early travel and family events.

About this site

This site is an ongoing project by Mr. Wonderful. This means you will find posts, projects, timeline items and other material that are placeholders or incomplete. These will be clearly marked as such.

Thanks for visiting.

6/24/2019 – Project Status

Have continued to mine the many many files from earlier websites. Added new Post By Date navigation. Added new categories to Projects.


Recently have begun to add materials from old notebooks and digital materials from as early as 1999.


All of my recent work in the area of history, economics, politics, sociology, and the like are to be found at AmericanDelusions.com (opens in new window)


This diary replaces the DayOne diary that I have sporadically used since 2011. The material transferred here from that diary is being copied with only amendments of links to other existing materials and dated photos taken contemporaneously.

Will try to pour the old Year-In-Pictures projects in here later.


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